*Ops Amelia*
The firm QE desings brings us a dress with its matching jacket and high boots. Both designs are valid for mesh bodies and feet. They bring hud to combine to your liking and choose colors and textures. The pose used for the photo is from the firm SH Poses.
La firma QE desings nos trae un vestido con su chaqueta a juego y botas altas. Ambos diseños son validos para cuerpos y pies mesh. Traen hud para combinar a tu gusto y elejir colores y texturas. La pose usada para la foto es de la firma SH Poses.
*DRESS by QE Desings*
[QE] Amelia in Marketplace
*BOOTS by QE Desings*
[QE] Charlotte Heels in Marketplace
*POSE by SH Poses*
SH Poses Ops in SH Poses and Marketplace
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