
The firm Rams Wear ns brings a sensual dress with a touch of elegance thanks to its modern design. A dress valid for all mesh bodies and with hud of different colors. The decoration I bring from the hand of the firm Serenity Style to decorate your store or area that you like the most.

 La firma Rams Wear ns trae un vestido sensual con un toque de elegancia gracias a su diseño moderno. Un vestido valido para todos cuerpos mesh y con hud de diferentes colores. La decoracion la traigo de mano de la firma Serenity Style para decorar tu tienda o zona que mas te guste.


*DRESS by Rams Wear*

RAMS WEAR-Outfit -Artemis in Rams Wear

*DECORATION by Serentiy Style*

Serenity Style- Stowe Eggs on Sale set in SERENITY STYLE

*HAIR by Doux*

DOUX - Somi hairstyle
