The firm Tiffany brings us a very current set and very youthful design. A design consisting of top, miniskirt, socks and boots to match. It brings a hud with colors and textures so that you change to your liking and is valid for mesh bodies. The backdrop that I have used, already posted, is from the signature Serenity Style perfect for your photographs.
La firma Tiffany nos trae un conjunto muy actual y de diseño muy juvenil. Un diseño que consta de top, minifalda, medias y botas a juego. Trae un hud con colores y texturas para que cambies a tu gusto y es valido para cuerpos mesh. El backdrop que he usado, ya posteado, es de la firma Serenity Style perfecto para tus fotografias.
*OUTFIT by Tiffany*
::TD:: Lollipop Outfit in Tiffany and Marketplace
*BACKDROP by Serenity Style*
Serenity Style- Julia Spring Backdrop in Serenity Style
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