*Diana and her radio*

 Sexy dress by C.Y<3Fashion. Dress valid for mesh bodies with transparency in the middle of the dress. Comes in fatpack on your favorite, also bring boots for slink, beauty and legacy. The pose used is from the firm Zeevh Poses, includes the radio cassette. 

Sexy vestido de la firma C.Y<3Fashion. Vestido valido para cuerpos mesh con transparencia en mitad del vestido. Viene en fatpack para que te pongas el tuyo favorito, trae tambien botas para slink, belleza y legacy. La pose usada es de la firma Zeevh Poses, incluye el radiocasett.


*DRESS by C.Y<3Fashion*

[C.Y<3Fashion]FATPACK *DIANA*DRESS in [C.Y<3Fashion]

*POSE by Zeevh Poses*

Zeevh Poses ZVL5  in Zeevh Poses

*HAIR by Doux*

DOUX - Jess hairstyle
