
I bring you a dress from the firm Vivacious Inc, valid for mesh bodies, you will find it in fatpack with different colors, consists of top and miniskirt. You can combine it with exclusive high boots at the Cheeky WoW event for slink feet, beauty and maitreya. The beautiful doll that I wear warm is from the firm MOoH in the Enchantment Nutcracker hunt until December 4 after you can find it in its usual store.

 Os traigo un vestido de la firma Vivacious Inc , valido para cuerpos mesh , lo encontraras en fatpack con diferentes colores , consta de top y minifalda . Podras combinarlo con unas botas alta exclusivas en el evento Cheeky WoW para pies slink , belleza y maitreya . El precioso muñeco que llevo bien abrigado es de la firma MOoH in the Enchantment Nutcracker hunt hasta el 4 de diciembre despues lo podras encontrar en su tienda habitual.


*OUTFIT by Vivacious Inc*
::: VInc. ::: Chic Outfit "Lulu" - Lilac & Pink in VInc and Marketplace

  .:Adore:.  Eliza - Suede Thigh Boots in Cheeky WoW event

*KITTY Doll by MOoH*
MOoH! Christmas kitty doll in the Enchantment Nutcracker hunt and MOoH 
