*Flowers in autumn*

 I really like the new jumsuit from the firm For You valid for mesh body. A jumsuit with three colors on its hud so you can wear the one you like the most. The shoes are from the firm WellMade, already posted, for slink, beauty and maitreya.

Me gusta mucho el nuevo jumsuit de la firma For You valido para cuerpo mesh . Un jumsuit con tres colores en su hud para que te pongas el que mas te guste. Los zapatos son de la firma WellMade , ya posteados , para slink, belleza y maitreya.


*JUMSUIT by For You*

::F:: Chiki jumpsuit in For YoU and Marketplace

*SHOES by WellMade*

[WellMade] Diva Heels  in WellMade and Marketplace
