domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2021

*A good read*

Before the 60SpecialGo round ends, you should go to where you can find this dress that I bring you made of lace, valid for mesh bodies, and with hud of colors. The high boots are from the Ahlure firm for slink feet, beauty and maitreya, with hud so you can change the color to your liking. The skin I'm wearing is a new CH Skin exclusive to Sense Event, for lelutka evox and maitreya, legacy, beauty and slink bodies. The kiosk with its newspapers and every detail is from the exclusive Serenity Style firm at Cosmopolitan Event.

Antes que acabe la ronda de 60SpecialGo debeis pasaros donde encontras este vestido que os traigo de encaje , valido para cuerpos mesh , y con hud de colores . Las botas altas son de la firma Ahlure para pies slink, belleza y maitreya , con hud para que cambies el color a tu gusto . La piel que llevo es novedad de CH Skin exclusivo en Sense Event  , para lelutka evox y cuerpos maitreya , legacy , belleza y slink. El kiosko con sus periodicos y todo detalle es de la firma Serenity Style exclusivo en Cosmopolitan Event.


*DRESS by Ghostyss*
Ghostyss - ALEXANDRA FATPACK in 60SpecialGo

*BOOTS by Ahlure*
Ahlure (Shoes)  -  Manson in Darkness Event

*KIOSKO by Serenity Style*
Serenity Style- Old Newsstand in Cosmopolitan Event

*SKIN by SH Skin*
[CHSkins] VIVIAN Fat Pack SKIN EVO X in Sense Event

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