*A gift for you*

 The holidays arrive and prior to those days to decorate the house the firm MOoH brings us some little mice in two brown and silver colors. The outfit I wear is from the firm Tiffany, consists of top and miniskirt with its matching belt, valid for mesh bodies and with hud with multiple textures and colors. The shoes I wear are from ArisAris for slink feet, beauty and maitreya, bring a hud with colors and textures to combine to your liking. The backdrop and poses are from the firm Creative Stylez.

 Llegan los dias festivos y previos a esos dias para decorar la casa la firma MOoH nos trae unos ratoncitos en dos colores marrones y plateados . El outfit que llevo es de la firma Tiffany , consta de top y minifalda con su cinto a juego , valido para cuerpos mesh y con hud con multiples texturas y colores . Los zapatos que llevo son de ArisAris para pies slink , belleza y maitreya , trae un hud con colores y texturas para que combines a tu gusto. El backdrop y las poses son de la firma Creative Stylez.


*OUTFIT by Tiffany*
::TD:: Roxane Outfit {Mesh} in Tiffany and Marketplace

*SHOES by ArisAris*
ArisArisB&W~AlCo57~Marilyn Mules~CUSTOM in ArisAris and Marketplace

MOoH! Stuff Christmas mice brown & MOoH! Christmas mice grey in Enchantment

*BACKDROP & POSES by Creative Stylez*
Backdrop Stylez - Streets Backdro & Creative Stylez - Bento Poses - Present in Pose Event
