martes, 26 de octubre de 2021

*In the shade*

You can not miss the opportunity to have this dress from the firm Ahlure. A dress that comes with its matching stockings, valid for mesh bodies. The dress and stockings bring a hud with which you can choose your favorite color Your chosen color and enjoy the design.

No podeis perderos la oportunidad de tener este vestido de la firma Ahlure . Un vestido que viene con sus media a juego , valido para cuerpos mesh. El vestido y medias trae un hud con el que podras elejir tu color favorito  Tu elije color y a disfrutar del diseño.


*DRESS by Ahlure*
Ahlure  - Desiree Dress in Sense Event

*SHOES by Arcane*
bag Shoes Ivana *Arcane Spellcaster*

DOUX - Toxic hairstyle

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