* ~J~ in Sapphire Event & GO in Swank Event and more much*

Hot days ideal for surfing climbs to the poses of the firm SHPoses, come with the surfing board and pose included. The bikini I wear is an exclusive collection at the Sapphire event as well as the overcoath of the same firm, valid designs for mesh bodies and with hud of different colors. The nails are from the signature Go by Anny's Fashion for maitreya, slink, beauty, view and with colored hud included omega applicator.

Dias de calor ideales para hacer surfing subidas a las poses de la firma SHPoses , vienen con la tabla de surfing y la pose incluida. El bikini que llevo es una coleccion  exclusiva en el evento Sapphire al igual que la sobrecamisa de la misma firma , diseños validos para cuerpos mesh y con hud de diferentes colores. Las uñas son de la firma Go by Anny´s Fashion para maitreya, slink, belleza , vista y con hud de colores incluido aplicador omega.


*BIKINI & COAT by ~J~*
~J~ Summer Sea Ultra Rare & ~J~ Summer Sea Cover Ultrarare in Sapphire Event

*POSES by SHPoses*
SH Poses Surfing time F & SH Poses Surfing time 2 in SHPoses and Marketplace

*NAILS by Go*
GO RayWind Stilleto Nails in Swank Event

DOUX - Sophie hairstyle
