*Ouftif FREE (no group) by Tiffany*

I come back and come with a great gift from tiffany's signature. An outfit consisting of top and patalon totally free, without group, valid for mesh and classic bodies. Bring a hud with several colors so you can choose the one you like the most. The skin I wear is chskin, comes a fatpack with different skin tones, cleavage and with eyebrows or without them. The two poses used are from West End comes with animation or with poseball.

 Regreso y vengo con un gran regalo de la firma Tiffany. Un outfit que consta de top y patalon totalmente gratis, sin grupo , valido para cuerpos mesh y clasicos. Trae un hud con varios colores para que elijas el que mas te guste. La piel que llevo es de CHSkin , viene un fatpack con diferentes tonos de piel , cleavage y con cejas o sin ellas. Las dos poses usadas son de West End viene con animacion o con poseball. 


*OUTFIT by Tiffany FREE*
::TD:: Rina Outfit {Mesh} ~ Pack 3 in Tiffany 

*POSES by West End*
[ west end ] Bento Poses - Double Take VI - Single Poses in West End and Marketplace

*SKIN by CHSkins*
[CHSkins] ROSE Fat Pack SKIN in CHSkins 
