domingo, 27 de junio de 2021

*AsHmOoT in Darkness Event & Sneakes by Tiffany*

 Before the end of the round of The Darkness Event where the firm AsHmOoT brings us a valid dress for mesh and classic bodies, in black tone with some touch of color. The sports that I wear are new to Tiffany for slink feet, maitreya and beauty with hud so that you change and combine in the way you like the most.

 Antes de que acabe la ronda de The Darkness Event donde la firma AsHmOoT nos trae un vestido valido para cuerpos mesh y clasicos , en tono negro con algun toque de color . Las deportivas que llevo son novedad de Tiffany para pies slink, maitreya y belleza con hud para que cambies y combines de la manera que mas te guste.


*DRESS by AsHmOoT*
AsHmOoT S/S CoLL_2P dress #01 in The Darkness Event

*SNEAKERS by Tiffany*
::TD:: TEK Sneakers in Tiffany and Marketplace

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