
Arriving almost at the weekend I bring you a design of the signature ::: VInc. ::: . A fun and silky casual style dress valid for mesh avatars, comes in fatpack with different models and colors. The boots with socks that I wear, already posted, are MOoH, perfect for this type of dress.

 Llegando casi al fin de semana os traigo un diseño de la firma ::: VInc. ::: . Un vestido comodo y divertido de estilo casual  valido para avatares mesh , viene en fatpack con diferentes modelos y colores. Las botas con calcetines que llevo , ya posteadas , son de MOoH, perfectas para este tipo de vestido.


*DRESS by Vlnc*
::: VInc. ::: Hoodie Dress "Lima"  in Vivacious and Marketplace

MOoH! Bloggers Imaginarium Socks and sneakers in MOoH

TRUTH Kitten - Brunette
