*Spring flowers*
The firm kingbalStores brings us a beautiful outfit very spring with its shoes to match. This outfit is valid for mesh avatars and slink feet, beauty and maitreya. The bag I carry is from the firm My Bags in several shades that are easy to combine.
La firma kingbalStores nos trae un precioso outfit muy primaveral con sus zapatos a juego . Este outfit es valido para avatares mesh y pies slink, belleza y maitreya . El bolso que llevo es de la firma My Bags en varios tonos faciles de combinar.
*OUTFIT by kingbalStores*
KS OUTFIT NELA DRESS GOLD in kingbalStores and Marketplace
*BAG by My Bags*
MY BAGS by Mila Blauvelt MY MIAMI NEON YELLOW in My Bags
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