*Rainy day*

After the meridian of the week I bring you an outfit from the firm Ahlure. An outfit consisting of bra, very short sweater, high waist shorts with its belt and matching boots. You can change the color of each piece with the huds it brings. This outfit is valid for mesh avatars. 

Pasado el meridiano de la semana os traigo un outfit de la firma Ahlure . Un outfit que consta de sujetador, jersey muy cortito , pantalon corto de cintura alta con su cinturon y botas a juego . Podras cambiar el color de cada pieza con los huds que trae . Este outfit es valido para avatares mesh .


*OUTFIT by Ahlure*
Ahlure  - Defiant Outfit in Ahlure 

*POSES by West End*
[ west end ] Bento Poses - Single Pose Set 01 in West end

rezology Bubble Ponytail

.:PM:.Dancin in the rain Backdrop 
