*Black & White*
We start the week with a design from the firm For You that brings us beautiful outfits in two colors black and white. You can choose the one you like the most, both designs come with their shoes for slink, beauty and maitreya and the dresses are valid for mesh avatars.
Comenzamos semana con un diseño de la firma For You que nos trae uns preciosos outfits en dos colores blanco y negro. Podras elegir el que mas te guste , vienen ambos diseños con sus zapatos para slink, belleza y maitreya y los vestidos son validos para avatares mesh.
*DRESS by For You*
::F:: Mirna lace White Dress in For You and Marketplace
::F:: Mirna lace Black Dress in For You and Marketplace
~~ Ysoral ~~ .: Luxe Bracelet Marya
Sintiklia - Hair Zoella - Browns
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