
You can not miss this outfit that for a few days is promotion at Tiffany, an outfit consisting of short and short shirt along with its high waist trousers, valid for mesh avatars and with colored hud. The boots I wear are of the same signature valid for slink feet, beauty and maitreya, also brings a hud with perfectly otoñales colors. The eyes are worn made up thanks to trend, colors that will make your look more sensual, come in fatpack for lelutka, catwa, genus and bom. 

 No podeis perderos este outfit que por unos dias esta de promocion en Tiffany , un outfit que consta de camisa escotada y corta junto con su pantalon de cintura alta , valido para avatares mesh y con hud de colores . Las botas que llevo son de la misma firma valido para pies slink, belleza y maitreya , trae tambien un hud con colores perfectamente otoñales. Los ojos los llevo maquillados gracias a la firma Trend , unos colores que haran lucir tu mirada mas sensual , vienen en fatpack para lelutka, catwa , genus y bom . 


*OUTFIT by Tiffany*
::TD:: Amalia Mesh Outfit  in Tiffany and Marketplace

*BOOTS by Tiffany*
::TD:: Ivy Mesh Ankle High Boots in Tiffany and Marketplace

*MAKEUP by Trend*
TREND - Sinner Eyeshadow - Fatpack in Trend and Marketplace
