*Hot Cocoa by Serenity Style in Equal 10*

With the cold you want a rich hot chocolate and what better way to do it with the precious gacha collection of the firm Serenity Style brings even the cups so that you can take it wherever you want. The outfit I'm wearing is from Luxe Paris for mesh avatars. It consists of a green sweater and a black skirt with details at the waist and bottom of the skirt giving an elegant touch.

 Con el frio apetece un rico chocolate caliente y que mejor que hacerlo con la preciosa coleccion gacha de la firma Serenity Style trae hasta las tazas para que lo tomes donde tu quieras. El conjnto que llevo es de Luxe Paris para avatares mesh . Consta de jersey en tono verde y falda negra con detalles en la cintura y bajo de la falda dando un toque elegante.



Serenity Style-Falkland Hot Cocoa Gacha  in Equal 10


LUXE Paris LUNE Turtleneck and Skirt in Luxe Paris and Marketplace


Stealthic - Intrepid 
