*KiB in Sense Event*

If you stop by the Sense event you can find this magnificent dress from the KiB firm. A dress valid for mesh avatars that comes in two models and with two huds of colors and textures. To give it a touch of height I have put on some shoes from the For You firm for slink, maitreya, beauty with hud of very combinable colors.

Si os pasais por el evento Sense podreis encontrar este magnifico vestido de la firma KiB  . Un vestido valido para avatares mesh  que viene en dos modelos y con dos huds de colores y texturas . Para darle un toque de altura me he puesto unos zapatos de la firma For You para slink, maitreya , belleza con hud de colores muy combinables. 



KiB Designs - Dakini Minidress in Sense Event

::F:: Shoes Trieste HUD 20 colors in For You and Marketplace

no.match_ ~ NO_YOU ~ Pack of BLACKS
