* Sport day *

The Moz firm brings us two designs that together form a sports outfit. The long sweater is valid for mesh bodies as well as the pants. Both designs bring hud to change color and design of the shirt. The sneakers are from WellMade (already posted) perfect for this design.

La firma Moz nos trae dos diseños que juntos forman un outfit deportivo . El jersey largo es valido para cuerpos mesh al igual que el pantalon . Ambos diseños traen hud para cambiar color y diseño de la camiseta . Las zapatillas son de WellMade ( ya posteadas ) perfectas para este diseño . 



!MOZ "Maggie" Crochet Tunic in MOZ 

!MOZ "Vana" Garter Leggings in MOZ 

[WellMade] Estrela Sneakers in WellMade and Marketplace

TRUTH HAIR Grecia -  black & whites
