*OUTFIT GIFT by MOoH & WoW Skins in Fly By Friday Event*

From the MOoH store I bring you a totally free outfit just by activating the group. This gift consists of matching top and pants, valid for mesh avatars and normal avatars, with hud colors and very spring textures. The shape and skin I wear is WoW skins and it is exclusively for only 99 l. at the Fly By Friday Event, a shape for maitreya and catwa. Bring huds with various skin colors, including a cleavage applicator.

Desde la tienda MOoH os traigo un outfit totalmente regalo con solo activar el grupo . Este regalo consta de top y pantalon a juego , valido para avatares mesh y avatares normales , con hud de colores y texturas muy primaverales. El shape y skin que llevo es de WoW skins  y esta en exclusiva por tan solo 99 l. en el evento Fly By Friday Event, un shape para maitreya y catwa. Trae huds con varios colores de piel , incluido un aplicador de cleavage.


MOoH! Jennifer outfit in MOoH active group

.::WoW Skins::. BENTO SHAPE Verity  in Fly By Friday Event

Sintiklia - Hair Amelia - Gift

GW - PomPom Choker in GW and Marketplace
