*A walk through the port*

True to its elegant and sensual style, the Virtue firm brings us a set consisting of a skirt with its matching shirt and jacket in different shades with its matching hat. The nails are from Charmed with their fatpack applicators. The lips are painted by Anny's Fashion, they come in fatpack for all mesh heads. The shoes (already posted) are AMUI elegant and in great detail.

Fiel a su estilo elegante y sensual la firma Virtue nos trae un conjunto que consta de falda con su camiseta y chaqueta a juego en diferentes tonos con su sombrero a juego . Las uñas son de Charmed con sus aplicadores en fatpack . Los labios los llevo pintados de la firma Anny´s Fashion , vienen en fatpack para todas cabezas mesh . Los zapatos ( ya posteados ) son de AMUI elegantes y con todo detalle . 


Virtue Ava Outfit {Red}.. Virtue Ava Outfit {B&W}.. in Virtue and Marketplace
.:AMUI:. "Portia" Heels in Amui and Marketplace
GO Moisture Maven Lipstick Makeup in Skin Fair
 )O( CHARMED )O( HEAR ME ROAR NAILS in The Men and Woman Jail
