*KiB in Designer Showcase*

I recommend you go through the Designer Shwocase event where the KiB Designs firm brings us a beautiful and warm coat in very winter tones, valid for mesh avatars and with hud of colors and textures. The boots (already posted) of MOZ signature perfect for their design and finish.

Os recomiendo pasaros por el evento Designer Shwocase donde la firma KiB Designs nos trae un precioso y abrigado abrigo en tonos muy invernales, valido para avatares mesh y con hud de colores y texturas. Las botas ( ya posteadas ) de la firma MOZ perfectas por su diseño y acabado. 


KiB Designs - Tanaya Coat in Designer Showcase 
!MOZ "Evie" Thigh High Boot in MOZ 
Miss C. - Xenia II_Black
