*AsHmOoT in Designer Circle*

You have to go through the Designer Circle event where you will find the jacket that I am wearing from the AsHmOoT signature for mesh avatars. The leggings I wear (already posted) are from WellMade with combinable colors. The poses are from Captured Waters comes in fatpack so you can use the one you like best.

Os teneis que pasar por el evento Designer Circle donde encontraras la chaqueta que llevo puesta de la firma AsHmOoT para avatares mesh . Los leggings que llevo ( ya posteados ) son de WellMade con colores combinables . Las pose es de Captured Waters viene en fatpack para que uses la que mas te guste.

AsHmOoT_*A/W CoLL_Long Hoody #03 Designer Circle
[WellMade] Calliope Leggings in WellMade and Marketplace
Nature FatPack by Alexa whith props  in Captured Waters and Marketplace
