*Lee in Designer Showcase - Kosmetik in Vintage Fair & MOoH in Curves Event*

The signature Lee [N] from the Designer Showcase event brings us three pieces very close and casual style valid for all mesh bodies and all pieces with huds for you to choose the color that you like. The boots with high leotards are from the firm MOoH perfect for this design and you can change and combine according to the set. Makeup and eye tattoos are from Kosmetik to catwa and different heads thanks to their omega applicator. The bright red lipstick is [KLASSIK] for all mesh or bento heads.

La firma Lee[N] desde el evento Designer Showcase nos trae tres piezas muy enconjuntadas y de estilo casual valido para todos cuerpos mesh y todas piezas con huds para que elijas el color que mas te guste. Las botas con leotardo altos son de la firma MOoH perfectos para este diseño y podras cambiar y combinar acorde al conjunto. El maquillaje y tatuajes de ojos son de Kosmetik para catwa y diferentes cabezas gracias a su aplicador omega. El pintalabios rojo brillante es de [KLASSIK] para todas cabezas mesh o bento.

Lee[N] Tank Top Elise FATPACK (UNPACK)
Lee[N] Summer Kisses Shorts  FATPACK (UNPACK)
Lee[N] Hip Shirt  FATPACK (UNPACK)
 in Designer Showcase
.kosmetik Eyelash Applier - Sprightly in Kosmetik.kosmetik Tattoo Applier - Peaceful Power in Vintage Fair
[KLASSIK] Juicy Lipgloss Collection in Klassik store
MOoH! Sarah boots in Curves event
