* Good Xmas*
It is not long for Santa Claus to arrive and the signature.: TB :. it brings us a beautiful outfit so that mama noel prepares the orders in the warehouse, a beautiful backdroop of the firm Evolution. The outfit is valid for all mesh bodies and comes with hud so you can choose your favorite color and combination. The backdrop is totally mesh and is for you in the event Dubai Event.
Queda poco para llegue papa noel y la firma .:TB:. nos trae un precioso outfit para que mama noel prepare los encargos en el almacen , un precioso backdrop de la firma Evolution. El outfit es valido para todos cuerpos mesh y viene con hud para que elijas tu color y combinacion favorito. El backdroop es totalmente mesh y esta para ti en el evento Dubai Event.
.:TB:. Good News Xmas in Marketplace
Evolution- The Warehouse Backdrop in Dubai Event
Maitreya Lara
Catwa Head Keme
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