* Pumpkin*
Fun and perfect set for this month and day of the dead hand of the firm Tutte Belle. A set that consists of jersey, miniskirt and shoes with black stockings and ties at the back. Valid for mesh bodies and the jersey you can change it with your hud and choose between its three textures. The mask is from the firm Prism is for you in the Heart the Cart HECK event.
Divertido y perfecto conjunto para este mes y dia de los muertos de mano de la firma Tutte Belle. Un conjunto que consta de jersey, minifalda y zapatos con medias negras y lazos en la parte trasera. Validos para cuerpos mesh y al jersey podras cambiarle con su hud y elejir entre sus tres texturas. La mascara es de la firma Prism esta para ti en el evento Heart the Cart HECK .
.:Tutte Belle:. Magic Girl in Marketplace
Prism Cat Mask with HUD by Jezzixa Cazalet Heart the Cart HECK
Braham Design Olevya 28 Colors Hair Mesh
Braham Design Olevya 28 Colors Hair Mesh
Maitreya Lara
Maitreya Lara
Catwa Head
Catwa Head
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