*Clouds on the horizon*

For today, Tuesday, I have put on a set made up of flared cowboy top and pants from SassysAF, valid for all mesh bodies. You can change their colors and combine to your liking with the simple hud that brings. The boots that I bring from platform are from MOoH for slink feet, beauty and maitreya combinable and changeable their colors with the hud that it brings.

Para hoy martes me he puesto un conjunto compuesto de top y pantalon vaquero acampanado de la firma SassysAF valido para todos cuerpos mesh. Podras cambiar sus colores y combinar a tu gusto con el sencillo hud que trae. Las botas que traigo de plataforma son de MOoH para pies slink, belleza y maitreya combinables y cambiables sus colores con el hud que trae.
MOoH! Riley boots in Panic at the Zoo
rezology Sky High (mesh hair)
:SassyAF: Acid Trip (Mesh Body) in TO UP 
Maitreya Lara
