*Sports Day*

Dia de deporte y que mejor que con un conjunto deportivo de la firma SassysAF que consta de top y pantalon corto valido para todos cuerpos mesh. Podras cambiar el color de los pantalones con el sencillo hud que trae. El pelo que llevo recojido en dos coletas es tambien de SassysAF y trae un hud con multiples texturas de pelo. Para vosotros chicos una camiseta deportiva de tirantes de la firma Ch´s para cuerpos normales y cuerpos mesh . Serenity Style nos trae un set de juego muy divertivo el Voleibol que consta de gradas, balon , cesped y no podia fallar la malla divisoria.
Sports day and what better than with a sports set from the SassysAF firm that consists of a top and short pants valid for all mesh bodies. You can change the color of the pants with the simple hud that it brings. The hair that I have collected in two pigtails is also from SassysAF and it brings a hud with multiple hair textures. For you guys, a sports shirt with suspenders from the firm Ch's for normal bodies and mesh bodies. Serenity Style brings us a very fun game set Volleyball that consists of stands, ball, grass and could not fail the dividing mesh.
 :SassyAF: Sassy Yoga Set (Mesh Body)
:SassyAF: Summer Breeze Mesh Hair SIGNATURE
 Ch´s Luis
 ::ROC:: Canvas Sneaker! Mid Calf
Maitreya Lara
 Serenity Style- VOLLEYBALL SET in Iluminate Event
