*A coke and a smile*

Seguimos con los dias de calor y os traigo un precioso vestido de la firma M&M valido para todos cuerpos mesh . Podras cambiar sus colores con los dos huds que trae con diferentes colores y texturas. El pelo es novedad de SassysAF preciosa melena semilarga a la que podras cambiar de color con su hud y sus multiples colores. El pintalabios que llevo es de Anny´s Fashion vienen en fatpack con difentes colores.
 We continue with the hot days and I bring you a beautiful dress of the signature M & M valid for all mesh bodies. You can change its colors with the two huds it brings with different colors and textures. The hair is a novelty of SassysAF precious semi-long hair to which you can change color with your hud and its multiple colors. The lipstick I wear is Anny's Fashion come in fatpack with different colors.
M&M-PAOLINA-JUN18   in Marketplace and M&M
:SassyAF: Soft Whispers Mesh Hair SIGNATURE 
Maitreya Lara
 [OMEGA and CATWA] GO The Harmful Effects of Lipsticks Makeup in
