*Your pirate is me*

Que me decis para hoy viernes lo que os traigo de la firma Prism  dos estilos diferentes pero perfectos para cualquier tipo de evento o fiesta. Un vestido elegante con estola a juego negra para todos cuerpos mesh y un outfit de pirata con su sombrero unisex , trae zapatos para pies slink, me puse una botas ya que no trae zapatos para pies maitreya ni belleza. 
That I decided for today Friday what I bring from the firm Prism two different styles but perfect for any type of event or party. An elegant dress with black matching stole for all mesh bodies and a pirate outfit with its unisex hat, brings shoes for slink feet, I put on a boots since it does not bring shoes for maitreya feet or beauty.
Prism ALTHEA Gown by Jezzixa Cazalet Black 
Prism SAYIDA Pirate Outfit & UNISEX Hat by Jezzixa Cazalet 
Ch's  Selena
