*A beautiful sunset..*

La firma M&M nos trae esta semana un precioso diseño que consta de top y minifalda , ambos traen dos formas y varios hud para que combines como mas te guste a ti. Este diseño es valido para todos cuerpos mesh belleza, maitreya y slink. Lo he combinado con unas botas de MOoH altas con un perfecto acabado y unos colores ideales para este conjunto, validas para belleza , maitreya y slink.
 The signature M & M brings us this week a beautiful design that consists of top and miniskirt, both bring two forms and several hud to combine as you like to you. This design is valid for all beauty mesh, maitreya and slink bodies. I have combined it with high MOOH boots with a perfect finish and ideal colors for this set, valid for beauty, maitreya and slink.
M&M-SMILE-MAY18 in Marketplace and M&M
MOoH! Aida boots Earth Hud (Add) in MOoH
rezology Sky High (mesh hair)
Maitreya Lara 
