*Once Upon a time...*

WellMade para esta semana de finales de Mayo nos trae tres diseños que combinados hacemos un precioso outfit vaquero. Nos trae un pantalon corto, top y una cazadora con un estampado a su espalda validos para todos cuerpos mesh Belleza  , Maitreya y slink . Las fotos las he echo en los backdrops de Serenity Style que estaran para ti en el evento  WHIMSICAL.
WellMade for this week of the end of May brings us three designs that combined make a beautiful outfit cowboy. We bring a shorts, top and a jacket with a print on his back valid for all bodies mesh Beauty, Maitreya and slink. The photos I have made in the Serenity Style backdrops that will be for you in the WHIMSICAL event.
 [WellMade] Laurel Shorts
[WellMade] Verena Top
[WellMade] Sadra Jacket
in WellMade and Marketplace
Serenity Style-Duchess Backdrops WHIMSICAL
