*In the country house*

Me encanta este outfit de la firma MOoH que consta de top y pantalon corto ambos validos para cuerpos mesh Belleza, Maitreya y slink que he combinado con unos zapatos y calcetines largos tambien de la misma firma , ambos diseños con hud para combinar a tu gusto. El pintalabios que he usado es de Anny´s y son validos para catwa y aplicadores omega, vienen en fatpack y con multiples colores. I love this outfit of the firm MOoH consisting of top and shorts both valid for mesh bodies Belleza, Maitreya and slink that I have combined with some shoes and long socks also from the same firm, both designs with hud to combine to your liking. The lipstick that I have used is from Anny's and they are valid for catwa and omega applicators, they come in fatpack and with multiple colors. OUTFIT & SOCKS MOoH! Ivy outfit Sunny (Add) in MOoH & White Nights MOoH! Rae socks and pumps (Add) in MOoH & White Nights HAIR -FABIA- Mesh Hair <Lira> Natural Tones L...