*The lighthouse of love*
Os gusta el mar.... el amor... y decoracion perfecta para los rincones de tu casa pues es tu oportunidad os traigo un precioso Faro de Serenity Style donde interiormente puedes poner su mesa con banco y utiles para estar trabajando y relajada en ese rincon. MOoH nos trae una preciosa coleccion garcha de corazones, neones, estrellas y cuadros . La ropa que llevo yo es de WellMade y Annys . El top que llevo podras cambiar su color y textura con su hud al igual que la minifalda . Ambos diseños son validos para todos cuerpos mesh Belleza, Maitreya y slink.
The sea like you... love... and perfect decoration to the corners of your House as it is your chance I bring you a beautiful beacon of Serenity Style where inside you can put your table with bench and tooling to be working and relaxed in that corner. Mooh'tah brings us a precious collection make of hearts, neon lights, stars and pictures. The clothes that I wear is WellMade and Annys. The top I can change its color and texture with their hud like the miniskirt. Both designs are valid for all bodies mesh beauty, Maitreya and slink.
Serenity Style- San Borondon Natalia LightHouse
[WellMade] Cady Skirt in WellMade and Marketplace
The Draftman Set
Serenity Style- The Draftman Set in Ultra Event
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