*Small gift*

No os perdais el precioso regalo que os traigo de la firma WellMade , un precioso top totalmente gratis con el grupo o por tan solo 1 linden en marketplace. Este top lo he combinado con una minifalda tambien de WellMade a la que podras cambiar de color con su hud . Los zapatos son de MOoH para pies slink , belleza y maitreya a los que podras cambiar tambien de color con el hud .

Do not miss the precious gift that I bring you from the firm WellMade, a beautiful top totally free with the group or for only 1 linden in marketplace. I have combined this top with a WellMade mini skirt to which you can change color with your hud. The shoes are from MOoH for slink feet, beauty and maitreya to which you can also change color with the hud.
[WellMade] Elodie Top GIFT WellMade and Marketplace
[WellMade] Melody Skirt in WellMade and Marketplace
MOoH! Claire heels Pastel (Add) in MOoH and Marketplace
