*[Marquesse] in Designer Circle*

Aun tienes tiempo de poder llevarte este outfit que estará para ti hasta mañana en el evento Designer Circle. Un precioso outfit para dias muy soleados de la firma Marquesse. Este ouftit consta de top, falda larga y zapatos valido para cuerpos mesh y cuerpos normales . Los pendientes son de Loordes of London y los tienes de varios colores . Date prisa mañana acaba el evento , pasate y llevate este magnifico outfit .

You still have time to bring you this outfit that will be for you until tomorrow in the event Designer Circle. A beautiful outfit to very sunny days of the firm Marquesse. This ouftit consists of top, long skirt and shoes valid for normal bodies and bodies mesh. Earrings are Loordes of London and you have them in various colors. Hurry tomorrow ends the event, come and take this wonderful outfit.
[Marquesse] Carefree Outfit Blue and Red in Designer Circle

The Akkadian Collection-E in Loordes of London
