*Love in the snow*

Llega el frio con el las primeras nieves y la firma Serenity Style nos trae una preciosa manta con copos de nieve y una pose para abrigarte con tu pareja. El pequeño pueblo es una coleccion Gatcha inspirada en un pequeño pueblo para poner el belen. El conjunto que llevo yo es todo de AsHmOoT sus botas, medias, pantalon corto, sombrero y gafas estan para ti en el evento Designer Circle. El jersey que lleva Jon es de la firma Ch´s un jersey de cuello alto que podras cambiar de color con el sencillo hud que trae .
The cold with the first snows and signature Serenity Style brings a beautiful blanket with flakes of snow and a pose to get warm with your partner. The small town is a bane collection inspired by a small town to put the Nativity. The set that I have is all AsHmOoT your boots, socks, shorts, hat and glasses are for you in the event Designer Circle. The jersey that Jon takes firm Ch´s is a Turtleneck Sweater that you can change color with simple ways that brings.
*Pullower Man* Ch´s Romeo in Marketplace and Ch´s store

*Collection Gatcha* Serenity Style- Belen Tiny House GACHA SHINY SHABBY

* Manta* Serenity Style- Loving Snowflakes 

*Outfit* AsHmOoT_A/W Coll_HK Sock Heels/ IG [ADD TO UNPACK]

AsHmOoT_A/W Coll_Lace Shorts/ Cr [ADD TO UNPACK]

AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Bowler Hat/ C [ADD TO UNPACK]

AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Round Glasses #02 [ADD TO UNPACK]

AsHmOoT_A/W CoLL_Off Shoulder Sweather/ WIv [ADD TO UNPACK]

AsHmOoT_A/W Coll_Lace Shorts/ Cr [ADD TO UNPACK]
