* .:EMO-tions in Boho Culture & Dana*

La firma M&M nos trae un precioso outfit para los dias calurosos que aun nos quedan en este otoño. Un outfit para cuerpos mesh belleza, maitreya, slink y TMP asi como para cuerpos clasicos. Consta de una preciosa camisa a juego de un pantalon corto que podreis elegir su color con sus tres huds que trae, de regalo trae las sandalias que llevo puestas. Como novedad y exclusivo llevo un pelo de .:EMO-tions..  que estara para ti en el evento The Boho Culture Fair 2017 . 

The signing brings a gorgeous outfit for hot days that still remain in this fall. An outfit for bodies mesh beauty, maitreya, slink and TMP as well as for bodies classics. It consists of a beautiful shirt game shorts that you can choose your color with its three huds that brings, gift brings the sandals that I put. As a new and exclusive took a hair of .:EMO-tions..  that will be for you in the event The Boho Culture Fair 2017.

*Outfit* M&M-DANA-OCT17 in M&M and Marketplace

*Hair* .:EMO-tions.. *ARIZONA* -FATPACK in Boho Culture Fair 2017
