* FurtaCor in Garage Fair*

Os gusta el deporte, patinar , escuchar musica.... pasaros por Garage Fair y os podreis hacer con este outfit deportivo para todos cuerpos mesh belleza, maitreya y slink. Este outfit consta de top, pantalon corto, patines, medias , rodilleras y coderas que podras vestir con su hud y combinar entre varios colores y texturas.
You like the sport, skating, listening to music... go through Garage Fair and you can do with this sporty outfit for all mesh body beauty, maitreya and slink. This outfit consists of top, shorts, skates, socks, knee pads and elbow pads that you can dress up with your hud and match between various colors and textures.
*Outfit* :::FurtaCor::Ellen Set in Garage Fair
