* Easter days - Dias de pascua*

Tiempo de pascua y tiempo de cambiar decoracion en tu salon , terraza o donde a ti mas te guste con los muebles de ~GW~ , una decoracion de Serenity Style perfecta para los dias de pascua. Para esta ocasion me he puesto un vestido de KiB para todos cuerpos mesh belleza, maitrey y slink que podras encontrar en el evento Designer Showcase .

Time of Easter and time to change the decor in your living room, terrace or where you you like with furniture of ~ GW ~, a decoration of Serenity Style perfect for Easter days. For this occasion I have started a KiB dress for all mesh body beauty, maitrey and slink that you can find in the Designer Showcase event.
*Dress* KiB Designs - Talija in Designer Showcase 
*Decoration pascua* Serenity Style- Mad Easter Egg Hunt !
*Sofa* ~GW~ Easter
