* With my dog *
Preparada y lista para salir a pasear con este precioso outfit de Stars*Fashion. Un outfit para todos cuerpos mesh belleza, maitreya lara y slink. Consta de un vestido tipo camiseta con sus botas altas a juego al cual podras elegir el color que quieras entre cuatro combinaciones. El pelo que os traigo hoy Tameless un semirecogido con trenza y el flequillo largo.
Prepared and ready to go for a walk with this beautiful outfit Stars * Fashion. An outfit for all mesh body beauty, maitreya lara and slink. Consists of a dress shirt with their boots to game type to which you can choose the color you want between four combinations. The hair that I bring you today Tameless with braid and the long bangs.
*Outfit* *Stars*Fashion* Robin (rezz & click to receive content)
*Hair* Tameless Hair Everly - Mega Pack
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