* MW + OTB & APHRODITE in The Hipster Fair 2017*

El lunes se acaba el evento de Hipster Fair y estais a tiempo aun de llevaros estos diseños que os traigo hoy . Un sofa en tonos verdes y morados con varias poses , un mural con el simbolo de la paz en el centro. Un maquina de cocteles margarita , chocolate y varios sabores. El vestido que llevo en dos colores tambien podreis encontrarlos en el evento. Daros prisa y pasaros antes que acabe el evento.

Monday the event of Hipster Fair and you are just in time even take these designs that I bring you today. A sofa in green and purple tones with several poses, a mural with the symbol of peace in the Center. A machine cocktail margarita, chocolate and various flavors. The dress that took in two colors also you can find them in the event. Give you hurry and pass you rather than finish the event.
 *Dress* ::MW:: Flower Mesh Dress purple dress
*Couch* OTB! Purple Haze Couch Set/PG
*Machine* Aphrodite Smoothies & Margaritas machine
