*KiB Desings in The Avenue & AsHmOot in Eva Room*

Que os parece el vestido que os traigo hoy de la firma KiB? . A mi me encanta por sus texturas y acabado perfecto. Comodisimo para ir de paseo por cualquier rincon de sl. Este vestido es valido para cuerpos mesh  hourglas y slink , al igual que para cuerpos normales gracias a sus tallas standar y tallas fitmesh. Podra ser tuyo si vas al evento The Avenue y en su tienda. Para endulzarte el paseo una piruleta en forma de corazon por 5 linden de la firma AsHmOoT que sera tuya en el evento Eva Room.
That you think the dress that I bring you today the signature KiB?. To my I love by their textures and finish perfect. Very comfortable to go from ride by any corner of sl. This dress is valid for bodies mesh hourglas and slink, as for bodies normal thanks to their sizes standard and sizes fitmesh. You can be yours if you are going to the event The Avenue and in your store. To sweeten you the ride a lollipop in form of heart by 5 linden of the firm AsHmOoT that will be yours in the event Eva Room.
*Dress* KiB Designs - Serenity Dress in The Avenue
*Lollipop*  AsHmOoT_Cel Coll_[T] I <3 U Heart Lollipop in Eva Room
