*My little house*

Os gustan las colecciones de gatcha esta es vuestra ocasion de haceros con una fantastica casa con todos sus detalles, cama, sillas, persianas, cuadro... todo ello de la conocida tienda Serenity Style. El diseño que llevo para cuerpos mesh es de la firma TBO y podras cambiar sus colores con su sencillo hud y hacer multiples combinaciones. Las botas son novedad de Ch´s tambien para cuerpos mesh y trae un hud con muchos colores tanto para las botas como para sus lazos. 
Fortuna collections like this is your time to you with a fantastic House with all its details, bed, chairs, blinds, table... all of this well known store Serenity Style. The design that took for bodies mesh is of the signature TBO and you can change their colors with its simple hud and make multiple combinations. The boots are novelty of Ch´s also for bodies mesh and brings a hud with many colors both for the boots as for their ties.
 *Gatcha Collection* Serenity Style- Endless Love GACHA - SHINY SHABBY
*Dress* .:TBO:. Alaska laced dress
*Boots* Ch's Gloria In Marketplace and Ch´s store
