*Winter Christmas*

 Se nota que va llegando el frio y dias navideños la firma Vips Creations nos trae dos diseños que me encantan por sus texturas y colores. El primero un conjunto de jersey , americana y pantalon junto con sus botas para pies slink Un talla fitmesh  y valido para cuerpos maitreya,slink, TMP y belleza , al igual que el jersey que llevo en color rojo que he combinado con unas botas de AmAzInNg Creations. El asiento con su manta donde estoy sentada en la primera foto es de Serenity Style perfecto para cualquier sitio de tu casa y con varias poses.

Is note that is coming the cold and days Christmas the signature Vips Creations us brings two designs that I love by their textures and colors. He first a set of jersey, American and pants along with their boots for feet slink a carving fitmesh and valid for bodies maitreya, slink, TMP and beauty, similar to the jersey that took in color red that have combined with some boots of AmAzInNg Creations. Seat with his blanket where I'm sitting in the first photo is of Serenity Style perfect for any room of your House and with several poses.
 *Outfit 1* [Vips Creations] - Female Outfit - [Emily-Christmas deer] in Marketplace and Vips Creations
*Pullover* [Vips Creations] - Female Pullover W Shirt - [Alyson] in Marketplace and Vips Creations
*Boots* AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS Xmas Boots
*Puff*  Serenity Style- Warm Winter Puf Drape
