*Elegance black and gold*

 Elegancia en oro y negro asi es este vestido que me he puesto hoy . Me encanta su diseño y su perfecto acabado viene en varias tallas mesh y una talla fitmesh. Viene con su completo conjunto de joyas pendientes y colgante. Vestido perfecto para una noche , un evento , concierto o darte un pequeño capricho.
Elegance in gold and black as well is this dress that I've since today. I love your design and its perfect finish comes in several sizes mesh and a size fitmesh. It comes with its full set of earrings and pendant jewelry. Perfect dress for a night, an event, concert or small treat.

*Dress* .:AMUI:. "MAIA" GOWN DRESS - BLACK in Marketplace and .:AMUI:.
