La firma M&M nos trae este fantastico y sexy vestido para cuerpos normales y cuerpos mesh. Este vestido podras cambiar su color con un hud que trae y elegir entre varios colores diferentes. Como complemento trae unos pendientes a juego negros y con detalles rojos. El pelo que llevo es de Virtual Diva un recogido alto en varios tonos para que te pongas tu tono favorito. Las poses que he usado son de IOS y podreis encontrarlas en Color Me.
The firm us brings this fantastic and sexy dress for bodies normal and bodies mesh. This dress can change its color with a hud that brings and choose between several colors different. As complement brings some earrings to play black and with details red. The hair that took is of Virtual Diva a collected high in several tones so that you put your tone favorite. The poses that I have used are of IOS and you can find them in Color Me.
Hair Pinup Hair Mesh in Virtual Diva
Poses IOS Aishka Poses + Mirrors in Color Me
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