Llega hallowen y porque vestirme siempre de brujas, demonios.... porque no vestirse sencillamente con un vestido de hada buena de la firma AMUI. Un vestido en color azul clarito con todos detalles incluido un collar . Como complemento me he puesto un tatuaje de mariposa que podreis encontrar en Boho Culture Fair .
Halloween arrives and because I always wear witches, demons... because not to dress up simply with a good firm AMUI fairy dress. A dress in blue clearly with all details including a necklace. As complement I have started a butterfly tattoo that you can find in Boho Culture Fair. 
Dress .:AMUI:. LENORE - SEA in .:AMUI:. and Marketplace
Tatoo Single Butterfly Make Up in The Boho Culture Fair 2016 in The Boho Culture Fair
