✿ KiB & EMO-tions in The Boho Culture Fair ✿
Que os parece lo que os traigo desde el evento The Boho Culture Fair 2016. Un precioso vestido con sus botas de cowgirl perfectas para combinar de la firma KiB. El vestido al igual que las botas podras cambiar de color y textura y elegir la que mas te guste. Este diseño es valido para cuerpos normales y cuerpos mesh maitreya y belleza. El pelo es totalmente novedad para este evento de la firma EMO-tions.
That you think what you bring from the event The Boho Culture Fair 2016. A lovely dress with their perfect cowgirl boots to combine signature KiB. Dress like the boots you can change color and texture and choose which you like. This design is valid for normal bodies and bodies mesh maitreya and beauty. The hair is completely new for this event of the signature EMO-tions.
Dress KiB Designs - Doutzen Outfit
Boot KiB Designs - Doutzen Cowgirl Boots FATPACk
Hair .:EMO-tions.. *VERA* -FATPACK
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